December 18, 2017
I met Carrie-Anne two years ago at a long luscious weekend retreat in Topanga with a group of wondrous women. When we saw each other, I was overcome with that rare feeling: when you meet someone for the first time + it feels you've known each other from a different time & place. I love all that this woman stands for: meditation, conscious living + mindful motherhood. Of course, I'm also a long-standing fan of The Matrix - and holy wow - her ultra-addictive Netflix special Jessica Jones.
Meet my dear friend, Carrie-Anne Moss ~ actress, mother, wife + owner of Annapurna Living ...
Gardenia: Simple. Beauty-full. Intoxicating.
It connects me to simple, uncomplicated awareness. When I can stop my mind from spinning and witness the sky or a tree, I am brought back to myself. I can go from overwhelm and fear to feeling supported by the earth under my feet + the trees that fill my yard by the ocean that ebbs and flows. I am deeply inspired and influenced by the moon phases.
When I realized that the Moon was there to share her wisdom with me, I gasped with relief. There is a time to start and to end, to start again or wait to push; the Moon is an example of all that I need. Sometimes I can’t see her but she is always there. Her always changing nature, plus her commitment to always showing up, mirrors the woman I crave to be (artistically and personally) in every area of my life.
I am sharing with others that within us lie the answers to our questions. Lean on the tools that will support you. Discover what they are and commit to them (meditation, creative writing, and community are the tools for me).
Create the life you crave. These are intense times; nourishing my nervous system so I can discern and thrive is a discipline and the gateway to the life I want.
It all starts with me. My attitude, my actions, and my reactions are the bricks that I build my life-house on. I am always building and shaping my life. Being connected to my soul ~ and simplifying so I can hear my soul and know what to do and what I need ~ is my work. I find gratitude opens me and keeps me very grounded.
I get up in the dark and I meditate and do Kundalini yoga. Whether I meditate for 3 minutes or 11 minutes, it is the time that I feel the connection to my soul and to the universe, and it anchors me for the day. I also commit to noticing when things are off and then using self-inquiry to discover why this may be. I take ownership of my life and responsibility for my actions. I apologize when I’m in the wrong. I keep my heart open. And I practice faith as self care.
The more magic and curiosity and discovery I can find in the simple moments, the more exquisite my life becomes. Simplicity is the key for me. I’ve had a lot of out-there-wow-huge deals, and I can tell you—if you’re not surrounded by community and love and peace of mind, it’s not fun at all.
I dance in the kitchen a lot to inspire myself as I go about the mundane actions of my life. I try to lighten up and laugh and to let go of the worry and stress. My children and my husband teach me daily how to play.
My family all feeling well and strong. A fire in the fireplace. Amazing high-vibe food. Music and simple connection with all the parts of my life. Supporting others and feeling part of a creative community lights my genius way up!
How did I get so lucky to be your mama? Gratitude.
How will I sleep tonight knowing my child is struggling? Faith.
You are not me. Surrender.
Everyday, all day, I am challenged and inspired to drop another layer of how-I-think-things-should-be. I am deeply humbled by this whole motherhood gig, and grateful that I keep growing.
The Fierce Grace Collective is a living piece of work/work of art for me. It is a community of women who journey with me through an entire year, beginning on the Lunar new year. We move through 12 themes, one for each month, and start with building a rooted foundation and then travel up through the body working on our radiance and receptivity in creating the life we want.
I’ve also created a book filled with writings and journal pages for each month, so that the women can have something in their hands to use as we go through the year. I think holding something in your hands is so refreshing these days with the digital overload. The online portal houses tons of videos ~ conversations and meditations that I’ve made. There’s a “Yogic Pharmacy” so that women can “treat” themselves with certain meditations for certain things. And the videos are all made to uplift and inspire. Each month, I gather with my women on a live call so we can tune in, check in, and rise up.
Carrie-Anne's Fierce Grace Collective is a call to the modern women ~ to reconnect to our own essence + what is most precious to us. Sign up for the 2018 experience is now LIVE ~ check it out here. And if you haven't already, check out our Flowerlounge Podcast Interview with Carrie-Anne!
Love + flower petals,