Speak freely about what's inside of you. Ask for exactly what you want. Be driven by your conviction & wish to benefit others.
Being more confident to ask for exactly what you want
Refusing to allow any mundane policies, naysayers, or small thinkers to create obstacles to achieving what you want
Going after the things you've been "just thinking" about going after
Allowing yourself to be driven by your conviction & your wish to benefit others
Dismissing negative thinking on your part or anyone else's
Feeling effortless communication even during difficult conversations
Noticing yourself singing more often
Fear of speaking up
Suppression of anger + frustration
Lack of self worth or feeling undeserving
Avoidance of confrontation or difficult conversations
Going with the flow + not setting boundaries
Infused with flower & gemstone elixirs for fearless speech, authentic expression & conviction.
Black Bat Flower Essence
Strength, confidence, fearlessness; readiness to advocate for oneself or others; protective ferocity.
Grevillea Flower Essence
Fearless speech; coming out of your shell; expression that enhances engagement with others.
Trumpet Vine Flower Essence
Comfort with being seen & heard; easier time discussing inner feelings; enhanced singing voice.
Royal Poinciana Flower Essence
Clarity, decisiveness; asking for what you want without hesitation; thinking big & taking on challenges.
Aquamarine Gemstone Essence
Truthful articulation; eradicate fear of speaking up or confrontation; courageous conviction.
Pink Lotus Flower Essence
Awaken inner wisdom; dissolve stagnancy; experience the sacredness of everyday life.
Yarrow Flower Essence
Clear toxic or foreign energies in your energetic field; promote radiance of the skin.
A sweetly-spiced coniferous forest with a splash of bright citrus and warm maple syrup.
Lime, Cardamom, Cedar, Douglas Fir + Amyris