Radiance. Sparkly warmth. Powerful presence. Energetic cleanse. Compassion without taking on others' stress. Regulate cycles & prevent cramps. Cleans your body of previous sexual partners.
Vitality, presence and strength
Balancing of the reproductive system
Creative energy and self-expression
More ease with setting and maintaining energetic boundaries
Increased empathy and compassion
Clarity about what you want
Expansion of chi energy
Feeling like you have more to bring to the table
Warming up emotionally and physically
Feeling more accepting of yourself and others
Fatigue, exhaustion
Imbalanced hormones/ reproductive system
Excessive computer + cell phone use; wifi exposure; travel
Taking on others’ stress or emotions
Difficulty connecting with others
Infused with flower & gemstone elixirs for vitality, energetic protection & resilience.
Pomegranate Flower Essence
Gently cleanse the body; balance reproductive system; liberate creative energy + expression.
Jade Succulent Flower Essence
Recharge chi energy; boost vitality + powerful presence; dissolve shyness + lack of clarity.
Navel Orange Blossom Essence
Boost sensuality, playfulness + libido; warm up areas you feel emotionally numb, disengaged or cold.
Red Clover Flower Essence
Strengthen energetic boundaries so you're less influenced by external imbalances, hysteria + chaos.
Black Tourmaline Gem Essence
Expel foreign energies from your energetic system; experience a force field of energetic protection.
Pink Lotus Flower Essence
Awaken inner wisdom; dissolve stagnancy; experience the sacredness of everyday life.
Yarrow Flower Essence
Clear toxic or foreign energies in your energetic field; promote vitality + radiance of the skin.
A sacred palo santo offering while forest bathing in the fir trees, eating persimmons.
Palo Santo Fruit + Douglas Fir