August 12, 2012

Do you have big dreams but feel like something is holding you back?

The Bamboo essence amplifies a sense of unwavering determination to help you:

  • Gain focus, clarity and awareness of how your everyday actions relate to your greater goals.
  • Push through hesitation, doubt and thoughts of "I can't do it."
  • Make the impossible possible.
Bamboo is also found in our Full Bloom blend

I love everything about Bamboo. The last few weekends I have been doing a ton of yard work. One day I worked in a huge patch of bamboo that’s several stories high, pulling out dead leaves for hours. Something about working in and around the bamboo was so peaceful and nourishing, strengthening and revitalizing.

I would love to walk in those huge bamboo forests you see in Kung Fu movies, where the characters climb up the bamboo with their swords, swishing through the leaves and hoping from limb to limb. Even the main room of our offices is wallpapered with photographs of bamboo, so it appears as if we’re inside our own little peaceful bamboo forest.

Bamboo full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

What It Reveals

If you're attracted to Bamboo, you may be planning a big project or about to engage in something that challenges you. You may want to take what you're doing to the next level and need an extra shot of determination.

You may have big ideas, yet have lingering reservations about going all out, or occasional doubts that you have what it takes. Hesitation and holding back may be preventing you from really tapping into your full potential and going after your biggest, wildest dreams.

What It Catalyzes

Activate: Unwavering determination
Message: Make the impossible possible.

As an essence, Bamboo is unparalleled for making the impossible possible. It offers unfaltering strength, persistence and tenacity, with a perfect balance of flexibility, gracefulness and the ability to accomplish something against all odds.

Bamboo enhances focus, clarity and awareness of how our everyday actions relate to our greater goals. It deepens an understanding of our actions as a part of the bigger picture as well as being unwavering in whatever it takes to accomplish our aims.

Bamboo elixir dissolves the thought pattern “I can’t do it." It encourages us to look straight ahead at what needs to be done rather than engaging in the habit of looking at other people's accomplishments. It eliminates fears and non-constructive enmeshment with others, giving us a boost of stamina, determination and follow-through.

It pushes through any hesitation or holding back that’s preventing you from really tapping into your full potential. Bamboo is all about rapid growth: no hesitations or doubts as it reaches for the sky—it simply goes for it, with perseverance, determination and power.

Bamboo is also part of our Full Bloom collection. 

Bamboo full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences


Fun Flower Facts

Bamboo (Bambuseae) is actually a grass, though the idea of it being a "tree" somehow fits its height better. Bamboo is one of the strongest—and fastest-growing—plants in the world. Some bamboo varieties grow up to three feet per day!

Though there are many different kinds of bamboo, they fall into two major categories, which describe how each grows: clumping and running. The clumping bamboo stays in one location and puts all of its energy into growing upward. Running bamboo "runs," or spreads, covering great expanses of space. Some types are happiest in the tropics while others are better suited to colder climates where it snows.

Bamboo full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

Bamboo is not only impressive for its speedy growth but also for its strength. Its compressive strength is greater than concrete, wood and brick, and it’s tensile strength matches that of steel! In Asia it’s used in the construction of foundations of large buildings. And even though bamboo is as strong as steel, it’s also flexible and supple, bending in the wind.

When I was studying Chinese painting, one of the first things I learned to paint was bamboo. It's considered one of the “Four Gentleman” of Chinese Painting and is hugely significant in Asian art.

What People Are Saying

"This is the elixir I turn to when I struggle to conjure up the required energy or enthusiasm to tackle the day. I find myself turning to this elixir constantly to help me move forward and get things done." —Sally

"Bamboo is one of my everyday 'go-to' elixirs. I use it for all sorts of situations when I feel my energy, confidence, or enthusiasm lacking. I often use it in combination with other elixirs to give it more of a push. I love Bamboo and am rarely without it in my bag." —Arcadia

"This is an amazing elixir. When I worked 11–12 hour days without breaks (unless you count the 30 minute commute in my car from session to session), I took this. The days I took this, I felt not only an inner strength buoying me, but the motivation and adaptability to go through otherwise challenging situations (I work with special needs children, who are amazing, but suffer difficult moments, as we all do). I love my job, but before this elixir, those long days became extra long. With this elixir, those days became not only manageable but a little exciting. I had energy to last me and carry me through it all." —Celeste

"I used this elixir when going through IVF. It was amazing how confident I felt through this emotional process, how calm. I am sure this process wouldn't be the same without sense of confidence and “I CAN” attitude this flower elixir gave me. Remarkable!!!!!" —Natalia J.

"Simply put, Bamboo's medicine has given me a new outlook on all the things that I once thought were so difficult. All the stuff that I put off because they seemed so daunting are now getting knocked off one by one. And of course the beauty of it is I didn't realize it until a friend noticed I was organizing my drawers. Yes! To me that's impossible! So now I look forward to conquering greater impossibilities. It can only get better." —Linda

In Essence

Magnifies: “I can do it”; unfaltering strength, persistence, tenacity; flexibility, gracefulness; making the impossible possible; focus, clarity, awareness of everyday actions + how they relate to greater goals; a deeper sense of gratitude and loyalty to the Earth

Dissolves: “I can’t do it”; looking at others’ accomplishments and feeling small; fixating on others instead of looking straight ahead at what you need to do; sense of impotence; fears and non-constructive enmeshment with others; lack of follow-through, stamina or determination



The Bamboo essence is also found in our Full Bloom blend.

Infused with the flower essences that wake up the power of fearlessness, openness, perseverance, Full Bloom helps you skyrocket to the next level of your growth and take a BIG leap toward your full potential.

full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences


Love + flower petals,

Katie Hess Signature LOTUSWEI