March 05, 2018

Are you seeking to heal deep wounds of the heart?

The Fierce Compassion flower essence blend can help you:

  • Soften your heart and magnify unconditional love for yourself + others.
  • Dissolve loneliness, attachment and yearning for love from the outside.
  • Transform your relationships through gentleness.


Fierce Compassion is made with my favorite flower elixirs for love, nurturing, appreciation of things just as they are, healing emotional wounds of the heart (including feelings of loss, betrayal, resentment, and abandonment) and an overall envelopment of love and caring for ourselves + others.


If you've been with us for awhile, you may be wondering "How is Fierce Compassion different from Infinite Love?" Infinite Love, in general, helps us heal + move through the heartaches, self-care misses and other issues of love that we are awareof, the ones we know are operating on a subtle level in our lives.

Fierce Compassion, on the other hand, helps us unravel the underlying wounds of the heart that we may not even know are there (or don't realize are still there), going even deeper to help us uncover our true selves.

fierce compassion Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

Read on for the flower essence magic present in Fierce Compassion:

Activate: Tenderness
Message: Nurture yourself.

If you’re attracted to the Rose flower, you may need some extra love and comfort. Create an environment around you that is nurturing, supportive, and sweet. As you soften your heart and offer compassion to yourself, it will naturally be returned to you. As you treat yourself with more kindness, that naturally extends toward others as well.

Rose elixir magnifies unconditional love and tenderness. It inspires us to nurture and care for ourselves and others. One of the best flowers for healing the heart, Rose cools the temper and triggers forgiveness, healing emotional wounds and scars. It softens our hard edges and enhances compassion and empathy.


Activate: Softness of character
Message: Soft is transformative.

If you’re attracted to the Hollyhock flower, you may have a relationship that is challenging you or your ability to trust. You may have felt irritated lately or powerless to improve the relationship. If you don’t have a relationship that’s bothering you, you may have another area in your life in which you feel hopeless.Perhaps your heart has hardened, since you believe there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.

Hollyhock flower elixir helps us recognize that we have the power to transform our relationships through gentleness. Instead of being irritable and on the defensive, or creating power struggles, we could be softer in character. It also magnifies trust and unconditional love for others.


Activate: Compassion
Message: Be kind to yourself.

If you are attracted to Pink Rhododendron, you may have felt out of place, vulnerable or unprotected. If you find yourself getting annoyed with others or being hard on them, it may be related to being hard on yourself. Your capacity to care for others is enhanced by developing compassion for yourself.

Pink Rhododendron wakes up unconditional love within us—like the love a mother has for her child. It strengthens all types of relationships, especially when we doubt someone's love for us. It dissolves loneliness, yearning for love outside and any fears that we may not be lovable.


Activate: Acceptance
Message: Fall in love with what is.

If you’re attracted to the Mandevilla flower, you may recently have felt a twinge of fear at the prospect of losing something. It’s natural to feel attachment to the way things are—to people, places, or things that we love.

Mandevilla helps us feel secure in the love that we possess inside us, rather than needing something from the outside to feel complete and whole. This leads to peacefulness, contentment, and the liberation of creative energy. It opens us up to being more present with what is, dissolving attachment and fear of loss.


rose quartz raw LOTUSWEI flower essences


In each of our blends, we also add one gemstone elixir! Each gemstone is carefully chosen to further enhance + magnify the effects of the flower alchemy. Abundant within Mother Earth all around the world, Rose Quartz, also known as the Heart Stone, encourages nurturing, tenderness and the love of beauty in oneself, others and the natural world.

A beneficial stone for self-love, it can also be used to get rid of nightmares + help children not be afraid of the dark. Overall, Rose Quartz is supportive + nourishing during situations of high-stress or change.



These are two flower elixirs that we feel are so important, we put them in every formula we make! We infuse blend with Pink Lotus (wisdom + insights) and Yarrow (re-energize after being on cell phone/computer). Pink Lotus is also a "catalyst flower essence," strengthening and boosting the synergistic effects of every blend.


This is one of our most complex, unique + avant garde blends. It smells like roses, dirt, liquor and caramel! We find it highly addictive. The scent of Fierce Compassion has a depth and richness to it that envelops you in love + nourishment—as if the earth were hugging you.



When to use Fierce Compassion

  • Deepening connection and intimacy in ALL interactions with others  
  • Unraveling painful knots in the heart 
  • Before a conversation with someone that you don't want to have but need to
  • Telling a friend the truth, lovingly
  • Unrequited love or heartache 
  • Learning to find comfort and contentment in differences with others
  • Breakups and heartbreak
  • Healing old patterns of betrayal, abandonment, unworthiness, mistrust
  • Before meeting up with a group of people that you don’t know

What You Will Experience

  • True, compassionate understanding of yourself + others
  • Being gentle + honest with yourself + others
  • Accepting tough realities
  • Kind thoughts instead of critical thoughts
  • Deep healing of past hurts


What People Are Saying

“I use the Fierce Compassion Elixir for my six-year-old who has a lot of separation anxiety. It’s instant. It’s amazing how much it works!” —Erin Borbet

"I adore the Fierce Compassion Elixir! It is my favorite go-to elixir when things seem a little too intense. It softens the edges and makes nurturing myself and then others more accessible." —Susan

"Feels like: Deep support. Really deep, as if the earth were cradling me, in her warm embrace. Feeling held. Comfort. Gentle courage, to face old wounds + triggers that arise. Softening into the spaces which feel tender and raw; softening sharp edges so they become a little easier be with. Feeling connected with others—seeing my reflection in them and vice versa. Deep compassion and love for myself and others; loving and accepting things as they are. I’ve been taking the elixir and using the anointing oil for several months now, and it’s hands down one of my absolute favs. It’s so supportive and nurturing, truly the best companion to have along this journey of personal and spiritual growth." —Clare

"I have been taking Fierce Compassion in combo with Infinite Love and Open Heart for a couple of weeks now and I feel a softening happening. I have gotten through some tough conversations with people that would normally rile me up but instead felt at peace with listening to them and their side with respect. I have also seem a gentler side on myself come out that was unexpected. I would recommend the combo—it has helped me a lot during these tough times." —HL

"As an empath, I was hesitant to try this elixir because I didn't want to get too sensitive and wrapped up in other's emotions (boundaries is an issue). What I've found instead is that this elixir helped me find a new path toward compassion that doesn't require taking on others' emotions. It is possible to open up without overindulging! A highly beneficial side effect for me in using this elixir was letting go of past resentments and negative emotions I've been harboring for some time (years) now. This was a gentle reminder that we are all human beings and recognizing our shared humanity can be wildly liberating." —Maria

"Fierce Compassion came through for me. While traveling, lots of obstacles were coming up, faster than I could manage. Had the small bottle of Fierce Compassion Oil in my purse and within minutes of applying, I suddenly felt not only grounded, but i could see that we were all doing our best with what we had in the moment. I had compassion, not just for myself, but for the "problem people" and obstacles. I keep my bottle close at hand while I work. It's a very deep fragrance (think deep ruby) but as it opens and shifts your energy, you begin to smell lighter roses and pink accents. This fragrance is intense but as it works, it becomes voluptuous. Interesting that the fragrance changes as your perception changes." —Teresa


flower essence essences elixir LOTUSWEI fierce compassion anointing essential oil aromatherapy

In Essence

Magnifies: Love, nurturing, appreciation of things just as they are, healing, overall envelopment of love and caring for ourselves + others.

Dissolves: Old emotional wounds of the heart, feelings of loss, betrayal, resentment and abandonment.


Here's to limitless compassion for all beings, starting with yourself! 

Love + flower petals,