December 12, 2019
These circles take Flowerlounges to a whole other level!
A Flowerlounge consists of 60-200 people - all of us working with five flower essences together throughout the evening -- customized to the collective needs of each city. The end result? Walk out feeling as if you’ve taken flower essences regularly for six months.
Flower Essence Moon Circles are more like an intimate retreat experience.
We work with a series of *many* flower essences in rapid succession in strategic timing due to the collective consciousness of whoever comes to the circle. Your consciousness has an opportunity to work with a palette of over 120 flower essences -- in one evening, if you so wish.
It’s like waves, like musical songs washing over our bodies, and as our energetic systems adjust to each essence, our channels are able to release stuck energy and we feel more freedom in our being.
Although we work with our palette of 120 flower essences, there have been three elixirs that keep coming up. I wanted to share what those three elixirs were, in case they resonate with you too!
Allow yourself to rest enough so that you can align with what’s most important to you. Instead of running on high RPM’s, spinning your wheels, go-go-go and do-do-do, can you allow yourself time to reflect on what’s most important to you? Then you’ll have clarity of purpose. You’ll have a magnetic attraction to only those opportunities that are most meaningful to you. And you’ll have the energy to strike when the timing is right. Let go of busy-ness and allow yourself the luxury of being clear.
READ MORE ABOUT VENUS FLY TRAPInstead of feeling that success comes with depletion, that we’ve really only accomplished something if we work until we’re bone-tired, can we re-write that script? Can we see our priorities more clearly, and allow ourselves to receive support? Ask for help when you need. Above all, be open to receiving support. If someone offers to help you, instead of saying, “Oh thank you, I got it”, say, “Oh thank you, YES!”
How much support can you allow? Can you let go of feeling like you have to do everything yourself and allow the entire world to support you in your vision?
How can you more deeply value your contribution in the world? Let go of the idea that your worth is tied to your productivity. Allow your value to be about YOU! Your presence and your awareness is your contribution. Can you allow yourself to be powerful from being, not doing? Can you be more still, listen more, observe more and allow your inner knowingness to guide you?
Do you feel a resonance with any of this? Let me know! Drop me a line.
For info on upcoming events, check out our events page.
Love + moonflowers,