6 Natural Remedies for Painful and Irregular Periods

May 27, 2020

Are you suffering from painful or irregular periods?

Depending on which study you look at, between 5% and 20% of women experience painful periods that interfere with their daily life.

Many women turn to over-the-counter medications to relieve pain, but there are a number of flower essences and natural remedies that can help regulate your period. We've compiled this list so you can heal the root issues of your period problems for good!

Here are our top 6 natural remedies for painful or irregular periods:

1. Balance Your System with Flower Essences

Pomegranate flower essence is found in our Radiant Energy blend, which is a powerhouse for helping with painful and irregular periods. A stunningly beautiful flower that turns into a beautiful fruit, Pomegranates have always been revered as a symbol of fertility. As a flower elixir,it helps the body gently cleanse itself of energetic static and stagnancy. It revitalizes you, wakes up your natural stores of energy and dissolves irritation that occurs as a result of toxicity or pollution in the body.

Radiant Energy, when used at least once each day in any form—elixir, mist, serum or anointing oil—has the power to balance the female reproductive system, eliminating cramps and overall discomfort, while regularizing cycles, so your cycles are like clockwork.

If you track cycles on paper or on an app, you'll find they become extremely predictable, which is hugely helpful when either trying to get pregnant or trying not to get pregnant (it's so much easier to predict peak ovulation days if the cycles are regular!).

Pomegranate also has the capacity to speed up the bioenergetic detox of past sexual partners. Rather than the usual natural process of a seven-year detox, using pomegranate essence regularly can reduce the time period to one year. Learn more about that here.


radiant energy lotuswei flower essence elixir

Curious what other flower essences you can use if you suffer from the symptoms common with cysts, fibroids or hormonal imbalances? You can read more about how Radiant Energy helped my debilitating periods and about the complete flower + gem magic in Radiant Energy. But don't just take it from me—here's what people are saying:

I’ve never had a regular cycle. I sometimes go 2–3 months without a period! After using the Radiant Energy serum for a few weeks, my cycle miraculously regulated to once a month! All I do is rub the serum on my belly after I get out of the shower. Fun fact: I think the flower magic also syncs me up with the moon!

I’ve had light periods due to hormonal imbalance. I get really painful cramps where the pain radiates down my legs. For the past couple of months I have been using Radiant Energy Serum with a few drops of Infinite Love Anointing Oil and giving myself a 'sun moon' abdominal massage by interlocking my fingers and going in a clockwise motion. This has helped ease pain from cramps and has helped regulate my cycle.

I’m pre-menopausal/menopausal. I hadn’t had my period in eight months. I used the Radiant Energy Serum on my belly and—boom! The next day I got my period. It was like reversing the clock!

After having no period for almost two years, after taking Radiant Energy for a month or so, I got a light period. Then 5 weeks later I had a bright, full, normal healthy cycle. I am so grateful to have a healthy cycle again. I have noticed a complete shift emotionally and physically. Being an empath, I also have a much easier time witnessing people and feeling them without feeling as drained.

2. Read the Women's Wellness E-Book

Wildly inspired by her incredible work with women in the world, we collaborated with licensed acupuncturist Erin Borbet on a super juicy, downloadable e-book: Flower Elixirs for Women's Wellness.

This free, 25-page e-book includes: 6 life-changing benefits of a healthy + dynamic endocrine system; top 6 flower elixir recommendations for women seeking support in balancing their reproductive system, enhancing fertility + adapting smoothly to our ever-changing bodies; and a collaborative list of additional resources (books, online courses, websites, people) for you to continue your hands-on approach to your health + happiness.

erin borbet acupuncture

3. Get to the Root Cause of Imbalances with Traditional Chinese Medicine

When the body, mind and spirit are aligned, vibrant health and vitality flourishes. Erin Borbet, an incredibly wise woman and one of the most nourishing, nurturing, and talented practitioners I know, offers Traditional Chinese Medicine consultations to help resolve uncomfortable symptoms and unlock your innate potential for healing.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, your period is a reflection of your blood and Qi (the circulating life force). According to Chinese medicine, a pain-free period requires abundant blood to flow freely throughout your body. Erin works one-on-one with women in both short-term and long-term capacities - using distance coaching techniques and custom herbal formulas to alleviate common menstrual complaints such as Painful or irregular periods, PMS, fertility struggles, endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome.


We've also partnered with Erin to offer virtual flower essence consultations. You can learn more about Erin and her work here.

lotuswei moxa

4. Circulate Your Blood and Qi with Moxa

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called “moxa” are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel certain pathogenic influences by burning the dried herb over specific points along the body. Mugwort has been used alongside acupuncture and acupressure in Chinese medicine for over three thousand years, at least as long as we have evidence of the practice of acupuncture!

Erin Borbet, Women's Health Expert, says:

"In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the herb Moxa is called "Ai Ye" and is known for its ability to warm the uterus and stop bleeding. You can use a moxa stick or moxa box or belt topically over the low abdomen to stop excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding, abnormal uterine spotting, lower abdominal cramping and for support during the first trimester of pregnancy. You can also apply it over the low back to help with any low back pain surrounding your periods or ovulation. In working with a trained Chinese Herbalist, you can even take this herb internally for a more targeted effect."


5. Listen to These Podcast Episodes

I've interviewed two expert voices in the realm of women's reproductive health—Erin Borbetlicensed acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner, and Nicole Jardim, certified women's health coach and author of Fix Your Period—on the Flowerlounge podcast. Holistic practitioners Kelly Brogan, MD, women’s health psychiatrist; Arielle Hayat, clinical herbalist; and Aviva Romm, MD, midwife, and herbalist, also had valuable insights to share.

Check out these episodes:


6. Reclaim Your Hormone Health & Fix Your Period

Nicole Jardim is the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines evidence-based information with simplicity and sass. Her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of women around the world in effectively addressing a wide variety of period problems, including PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, painful and heavy periods, missing periods and many more.

Rather than treating problems or symptoms, Nicole treats women by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormonal imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining optimal health and vitality at any age.

Nicole is the author of Fix Your Period: 6 Weeks to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness, and Ignite Lasting Hormone Balanceand the co-author of The Happy Balance, a recipe book filled with over 80 hormone balancing recipes. 

She’s also the co-host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on iTunes and has been called on as a women’s health expert for sites such as The Guardian, Well+Good, mindbodygreenand Healthline

Take Nicole’s Period Quiz to find out what’s up with your period! Once you take the quiz, you’ll get her Fix Your Period Quickstart Kit, a free 7-day e-course, to discover the top secrets doctors don’t tell you about your hormones, your symptoms and how to finally fix them!

We know regular, pain-free periods can be possible for you! What natural remedies do you turn to for painful or irregular periods?

Love + better periods,