December 28, 2024

You may be drawn to Pink Prickly Pear flower if you've recently experienced:

  • Overstimulation
  • Overwhelm
  • Intensity
  • Feeling surrounded by chaos
  • Harsh environments
  • Lack of safety or feeling exposed
  • Driving or transportation as unpredictable & dangerous
  • Reluctance to go out of the house because of ‘all the craziness out there’
  • Bombardment by weird vibes, loud sounds, harsh smells
  • Inability to handle toxins


If you’re drawn to the Pink Prickly Pear Flower, you may know what it feels like to be overstimulated by chaotic surroundings. Whether the stimulus is physical or energetic, it’s palpable and affects your mood.

You may have felt that certain situations are overwhelming to your nervous system. For example, if you drive a car, you may feel that drivers around you are unpredictable or dangerous. If you ride public transport or take an Uber or airplane, you may feel bombarded by artificial fragrances, or someone’s cloud of toxic chemical perfume. If you stay at an Airbnb, you may find yourself running around unplugging all the poisonous ‘plug-in’s’. You may feel highly sensitive to loud noises like police or ambulance sirens, which set off: system overwhelm.

You may feel sensitive to external stimuli, which can at times lead to mild allergic reactions, skin irritations or feeling irritated or overwhelmed. This system overwhelm slows you down, puts a wrinkle in your day and messes with your mood.

You might feel sensitive, exposed, unsafe or just plain uncomfortable. Your system may shut down in order to protect itself from the intensity of life around you. 


Pink Prickly Pear magnifies our ability for enjoyment and beauty, even in harsh environments. It amplifies our ability to experience intensity and transform the energy into one of freedom, exploration and adventure.

It inspires us to break the rules, dig deeper and find meaning under the barrage of stimuli. We feel compelled to be on the brink of discovery of the unseen, of what’s hidden, of what's beyond the sensory overload.

Pink Prickly Pear dissolves the ‘shut down’ reaction we have to intensity or overstimulation, and catalyzes a sense of rest, cool down and relief. It opens us up to find hidden gems in our everyday experiences. It inspires us to go beyond the status quo and to find beauty in the seemingly mundane or boring. We push ourselves to go beyond where others have gone. We adventure into the unknown to find hidden beauty.

Pink Prickly Pear flower amplifies our sense of wonder, curiosity and adventure. It encourages us to keep digging beyond what’s apparent for beauty, profound meaning & flashes of insight.


Pink Prickly Pear Cactus boasts one of the most intensely bright pink flowers found in the Sonoran desert! Unlike other Opuntia species, it does not have spines on its pastel blue-green pads. Also known as the Beavertail Prickly Pear, it is native to Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. This particular species lacks the long spines of other prickly pears, but has tiny, sharp bristles called glochids, which are also painful to the touch.

Prickly Pear plants are one of the hardiest plants on the planet! Boasting one of the widest temperature tolerances of any plant in the world, prickly pear plants can handle extreme heat (120 degrees F) and extreme cold (-30 degrees F). They also require very little water and are practically unaffected by droughts.

Prickly Pears have a unique way of photosynthesis, absorbing CO2 during the night and converting it to sugars during the day, making them wildly self-sufficient and self-resourced.

The ‘leaves’ or pads (nopales) of prickly pears can be eaten to cool down the body and regulate blood sugar. Prickly pear fruit, also known as a ‘tuna’, is not only sweet and delicious, but packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the immune system. It’s also believed to boost liver function and improve digestion.

Tiny red insects on prickly pear plants called Cochineal, are the basis of bright red dye used in textiles in North & Central America.

Prickly Pears are a plant rich with offerings for food, drinks, medicine & dye, and are almost indestructible (by outside forces like extreme temperatures or extreme drought).

In Essence

MAGNIFIES: Sense of adventure; Appreciation of beauty; Intrigue; Openness

DISSOLVES: Feeling of lack of safety; Feeling exposed; Perceiving environment as harsh; Being closed off


This limited-edition flower elixir was previously featured in the Flowerevolution, and is no longer available as a single elixir. Learn more about this transformative personal growth & expansion program here. Joining the Flowerevolution is how you get exclusive access to single elixirs that we do not release to the general public, and only release in the program for 30 days.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a flower essence with similar qualities to Pink Prickly Pear check out:

Luminous Chi
Open Heart
Wild Abundance
Divine Truth

We do keep a secret stock of our single elixirs at the Self-Arising Nature Center in Phoenix, AZ. Visit our flagship location, and let us know in advance if you're in search of a single flower elixir ~ we'd be delighted to open the flower vault for you.

Love & flower petals,