February 27, 2025
You may be drawn to Red Penstemon if you've experienced:
If you’re drawn to the Red Penstemon Flower, you may know what it’s like to experience anger. Rather than actually expressing your anger, you may find that it sneaks out into your energy system as a petty annoyance, an irritation, a frustration or a snide side comment or remark. The anger might seep out of your body, your words, your gaze or your energy system, whether it’s directed at someone else, or at yourself.
At times, you may also know the intense pain of rage or discomfort to the level that you practically want to bite someone with your words. You may know what it’s like to feel anger that makes you want to throw something, move your body or have aggressive thoughts.
The Red Penstemon flower helps us process anger in a way that allows us to release it like sparks of energy – like a shooting star – rather than imploding in self-punishment and self-damage, or exploding and destroying relationships or opportunities. We learn how to discharge the energy out the top of our head and our extremities, and funnel it through our meridian system in a way that purifies our entire bio field.
Red Penstemon is the school for how to allow our anger to clarify and expand us. It helps us learn how to use our waves of anger and move them through our energy system. Like waves of fire and water, our anger consumes whatever is discordant, misaligned or disharmonious in our system. Our flashing anger purifies and brings light to whatever is buried or concealed; it burns up misalignments and disharmonies in our sphere.
Red Penstemon amplifies our ability to use anger and rage to move forward. It helps us alchemize the heat and grow through it, opening us up for expansion. We become better equipped through our anger. We can grow up and out, becoming bigger and greater. We can engage in righteous action. We can advocate for ourselves and others. We can use anger to propel our spiritual endeavors forward and dig deep into our reserves of vitality to benefit the world.
Penstemons are stunningly beautiful, with trumpet-shaped flowers ranging from cool blues & purples, to hot oranges & reds. Found in the Western US & Mexico at almost any elevation, they are wildly popular with hummingbirds and bees, and belong to the Figwort family like their fierce counterparts: Snapdragon flowers.
In Arizona, there are nearly 50 varieties. These plants may appear to be delicate, however, they are extremely resilient, with drought tolerance & the ability to withstand temperatures ranging from over 100 degrees to 30 below zero!
Red Penstemon, also known as Firecracker Penstemon, is particularly known for a variety of therapeutic uses ~ for coughs, burns & other wounds, menstrual pain and more.
The root of Red Penstemon has even been utilized as hunting medicine; it is said that when chewed & rubbed over certain hunting tools, success is guaranteed – so long as the hunter has a good heart.
Love & flower petals,