November 26, 2024

Have you recently felt like this?
  • Afraid or reluctant to speak up about something
  • Shy about eating a big bite of food in social situations
  • Afraid to ask for exactly what you want at a restaurant at a large table when everyone is looking at you
  • Worried someone will hear you pee or poop when in the bathroom in social situations
  • Fear of saying exactly what is on your mind to someone
  • Wary of sounding too brash or of going against the grain if you are blunt and direct
  • Swallowing your words and keeping them in your throat or belly
  • Feeling ashamed or embarrassed about anything
  • Fearing that if you speak your mind it won’t come off as joyful
  • Afraid to make a public ripple, like opting out of airport security or biometrics


If you’re drawn to Wild Snapdragon, you may hold back your words or at times be reluctant to speak up. Either you feel shy or nervous, or you may swallow your words and hold back. You may have a hard time asking for what you want in personal or public situations.

You may find that it’s easier for you to keep quiet than express yourself. If you are particularly blunt, you may worry that your words will land in a harsh or jarring way, or that you’ll cause disharmony.

You may have a fear of being seen or having all eyes on you or of being judged if you speak up and say what you need, or go after what you need. You may hold back out of embarrassment or shame. For example, if you’ve ever been at a dinner and you’re starving and you hold yourself back from reaching for something else to eat, for fear of looking like a pig or indulgent, or if you’ve ever wanted to say something, but instead decide to keep quiet and the words stay inside your throat or your belly.

You may have had times when you feel small, meek or quiet or you let your shyness get the best of you, stimulating moments of feeling awkward or verklempt.


Activate: Bold expression.
Message: Be direct about what you want.

Wild Snapdragon (Linaria dalmatica) helps us say it like it is! It magnifies bold expression, unabashed speech and a dragon-like quality. It dissolves fear of expressing ourselves, even if we run the risk of sounding a bit harsh.

When we liberate our expression into clear and direct speech, no emotions are stored or repressed inside the belly. Wild Snapdragon flower essence helps us say what we want and what we don’t want. It helps us be more shameless with ourselves and our fearless speech. Expression can be direct and joyous and full of laughter!

Wild Snapdragon enhances shamelessness. If we need to sleep, we sleep. If we need to crash for a nap with our mouth hanging open on the airplane, we just crash without worrying. If we need to eat, we eat. If we need a second serving, we reach for it. If we have a request for something at the restaurant, we freely ask for it. Without subtle levels of shame or holding back, we can be ourselves, and express ourselves freely and vulnerably!


Wild Snapdragon is also known as Butter and Eggs, and Toadflax, and is part of the plantain family. Its bright yellow flowers grow together on a stalk that looks like a string of fighting fish with long tails. Just as with a garden Snapdragon, you can pinch the flower open and make the dragon’s jaws snap open to “Rawr”.

The Wild Snapdragon grows shamelessly. It spreads not only by seeds, but also by its roots and rhizomes, some of which can grow 10 feet long under the earth to create a daughter plant!

It often grows in disturbed areas near roads, railways or after fires in fields or forests, which is usually an indicator of its ability to heal people, animals and the whole environment. Wild Snapdragon grows prolifically from early summer through fall, and is a pollen and nectar source for butterflies, birds, and honeybees.

In Essence

MAGNIFIES: Deep confidence; Bold expression & unabashed speech; Say it like it is - dragon-like quality; Shamelessness: freedom to be yourself

DISSOLVES: Fears of speaking up, holding back, verklempt; Words stuck in your throat and gut; Shame, timidity, shyness, feeling meek, small or quiet; Not asking for what you want


This limited-edition flower elixir was previously featured in the Flowerevolution, and is no longer available as a single elixir. Learn more about this transformative personal growth & expansion program here. Joining the Flowerevolution is how you get exclusive access to single elixirs that we do not release to the general public, and only release in the program for 30 days.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a flower essence with similar qualities to Wild Snapdragon check out:

Luscious Embodiment
Divine Truth

We do keep a secret stock of our single elixirs at the Self-Arising Nature Center in Phoenix, AZ. Visit our flagship location, and let us know in advance if you're in search of a single flower elixir ~ we'd be delighted to open the flower vault for you.

Love & flower petals,