Inner Peace Elixir

Feel calm, confidence & strength with Inner Peace. Regardless of what stress arises, you'll experience grounded stability & certitude – so that nothing can move you from your center.
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Flower Essences Inside

Customer Reviews

Based on 60 reviews
Calmer & Less Triggered

My sister had me take the quiz to see which flowers I was most attracted to, because we are going through a hard time as a family with my Mother’s memory becoming more of a challenge. I ended up with Inner Peace, Wild Abundance & Expansive Presence. I’m much calmer. I don’t get triggered as fast as I used to. I still can get mad but I don’t fly off the handle anymore. There’s a softening to everything. Thank you!

Wonderful! It's incredible to hear this is bringing you the calm and ease you deserve!

Inner Peace

Having Inner Peace on my desk reminds me to take breaks, am definitely feeling the support and positive uplift during busy days.

So wonderful to hear it is bringing you the support you need!

Annette Price

Checks all my boxes. Must have.

Angela Binch
Inner peace

I've been taking inner peace elixir for about 3 weeks now and I'm starting to reep the rewards. I'm not feeling that inner torment, feeling attacked as much and I'm not seeing all that chaos I once did.
My mind is at peace nd it feels wonderful. Amazing product and flower essences♡♡♡

True Inner Peace

I revisited flower essences after taking a several year break, and this was one of the first one I worked with. What a delightful experience! I felt a shift quickly, within a few days. A calm sense of peacefulness was exactly what I experienced. The description of what it would magnify and dissolve was accurate for me. I credit the several flower essences I used last year with helping me gracefully move through tremendous change. If you're looking for a quiet, calm, and serene sense of being at peace, this is elixir is a fantastic place to start.