Surface-level awareness, holding back or playing small
Avoidance of communication or intense emotions
Being attached to outcomes or limiting possibilities
Experience awakening as a true path of influence & inspiration
Swift exchange of energy, understanding & communication
Heightened familial love & interconnectedness
When spring orange blossoms meet summer jasmine wafting in the air, while eating a cardamom dusted chocolate brownie.
Infused with 9 flower remedies to heighten awareness, refine your intuition & catalyze awakening.
Fringed Orchid Essence
Tap into the energy of a group or place; fine-tune your perception & electrify your communication.
Blue Penstemon Flower Essence
Broaden perspectives, feel more connected with everything around you, anticipate others' needs & speak unabashedly.
Coralroot Orchid Flower Essence
Dissolve 'savior complex' & heighten your ability to truly benefit others: awaken yourself.
Bee Orchid Flower Essence
Amplify your ability to hold intense emotions in yourself & others; heighten interconnectedness.
Taiwanese Azalea Flower Essence
Devote yourself fearlessly to your sacred contribution in the world.
Stream Orchid Flower Essence
Expand your understanding of sound healing & the healing power of your own voice.
Venus Fly Trap Essence
Refine your sense of timing; spring into electric action when the timing is right.
Yarrow Flower Essence
Clear toxic or foreign energies in your energetic field; revitalize after exposure to electromagnetics.
Pink Lotus Flower Essence
Awaken inner wisdom and knowingness; dissolve stagnant energy, weakness + apathy.