Surrender into the wisdom & love within your own heart with 9 flower elixirs for self-fulfillment, gentleness & nourishment. Soften to life's challenges with compassion, acceptance & devotion. Dissolve barriers to nourishment and awaken your ability to love yourself.
According to a study conducted at the University of Rochester, being exposed to flowers and nature inspires more compassion, generosity, and sense of community. Simply looking at a flower carries your body through a physiological transformation.
You become calmer, happier, and more centered, in just a few breaths.
Journaling practices can be extremely helpful for capturing insights from flower elixirs.
By jotting down a few words about what’s happening in our lives, we can shed light on meaningful transformations that are occurring in our lives. By being more self-aware, we can consciously be a part of the process, thus speeding up our personal growth.